Monday, December 28, 2009
New Series of the German-Language Academic Press Frank & Timme
Series editors: Thede Kahl (Vienna University/ Austrian Academy of Sciences) and Larisa Schippel
(Humboldt University, Berlin)
The following five volumes appeared in Forum Rumänien in 2009. The topics of individual volumes range from language (vol. 2) to history and politics in the post-communist period (vols. 1 & 3), to integration with Europe (vol. 4) and the biography of a German-speaking author from Romanian Banat (vol.5).
Larisa SCHIPPEL. Kultureller Wandel als Ansinnen: Die diskursive Verhandlung von Geschichte im Fernsehen (Forum Rumänien, Vol. 1)
Thede KAHL (ed.). Das Rumänische und seine Nachbarn (Forum Rumänien, Vol. 2)
Daniel BARBU. Die abwesende Republik (Forum Rumänien, Vol. 3)
Maren HUBERTY/ Michèle MATTUSCH (eds.) Rumänien und Europa. Transversale (Forum Rumänien, Vol. 4)
Renate WINDISCH-MIDDENDORF. Hans Bergel - Der Mann ohne Vaterland. Leben und Werk (Forum Rumänien, Vol. 5)
Further details available at
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Indiana University's 60th Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European, and Central Asian Languages
• ALL participants pay IN-STATE TUITION.
• Foreign Language Area Studies Awards
• Title VIII funding
Deadline for the first round of fellowship awards is March 22, 2010.
2010 Southeast European languages: Macedonian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Romanian (1st year)
ACLS-funded and TUITION-FREE for graduate students
For more information contact:
Adam Julian
Ballantine Hall 502
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
Monday, December 21, 2009
LREC 2010 Workshop on Exploitation of Multilingual Resources and Tools for Central and (South-) Eastern European Languages
organised in conjunction with the Language Resources and Evaluation 2010 Conference
(17-23 May 2010, La Valleta, Malta)
Call for Papers
Papers submission deadline: 7th March 2010
The organizers are looking for submission of original, unpublished work related to Central and (South-)Eastern European languages in the following areas:
- Automatic identification of comparable or parallel corpora
- Extraction of linguistic knowledge from comparable or parallel corpora
- Improvement of statistical methods with knowledge extracted from comparable or parallel corpora
- Domain adaptation of statistical methods in multilingual context
- Multilingual systems involving Central, Eastern and Southern European languages
- Production, management and interfacing of knowledge bases including Central, Eastern and Southern European languages
- Machine translation for Central, Eastern and Southern European languages
A special section of the workshop will be dedicated to machine translation issues and a special call for participation will be issued at the beginning of January.
For further details and contact information go to
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Culture of Old Europe Is Uncloaked in an Exhibit at N.Y.U. -
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Fluid Future: Understanding the Black Sea as Region
Though the structure of the workshops is the choice of the individual workshop leader, participating scholars usually provide papers which are then critiqued by other participants. The purpose of the workshops is to share transdisciplinary knowledge and sources on the regions, share knowledge of the region, network with scholars of different fields, and hone current research.
14-16 June 2010
Moderator: Charles King, Government, Georgetown University
The Black Sea region has reemerged as a dynamic--but still often troubled--corner of Europe. Security issues, state sovereignty, minority rights, economic competition and integration, and environmental challenges are some of the key concerns of littoral states and of international organizations such as the European Union and NATO. These policy concerns are matched by a newfound interest among historians, anthropologists, sociologists, and others in the evident "connectedness" of the Black Sea as a body of water. Topics such as the history of disease and migration, the politics of tourism, and the evident sharing of art forms, religious practices, and folk customs--as well as greater access to archival resources and field sites--have all made the greater Black Sea world into an exciting arena of research. This seminar will allow researchers to share their work with other scholars currently working on the history, politics, and society of the Black Sea region, from the Balkans to the Caucasus and from Turkey to the Eurasian steppe. With specific questions only about this workshop, contact Dr. King at
Applications for the SRL are due April 1st, 2010 for international applicants, April 15th for U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Application is at:
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Joint PhD Symposium on South East Europe
Centre for the Study of the Balkans, Goldsmiths
Centre for South East European Studies, SSEES, UCL
LSEE-Research on South East Europe, European Institute, LSE
Call for Papers
We invite submissions for a PhD symposium on modern and contemporary South East Europe. A main objective of the symposium is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas between young scholars currently undertaking research on the region. It is also intended to help graduate-level research students to overcome the academic isolation associated with PhD research, to 'try' their ideas and findings on wider audiences, and to establish new collaborative links across disciplines. Researchers will also be able to 'engage' with a wider academic community, including academic members of staff at the three institutions, and also a number of other distinguished scholars who will be involved with the symposium.
We welcome contributions from research students focusing on the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Moldova, Romania and Turkey and working in the following disciplines:
* Anthropology and Sociology
* Economics and Political Economy
* Politics and International Relations
* Modern and Contemporary History (including Economic History)
* Law
* Social Policy
* Cultural Studies
Abstracts of 1000 words maximum must be submitted via the 'paper proposal' form. Abstracts should indicate the academic significance of the topic, relevance of conceptual literature, and analytical structure. It should also include six key words. In addition to the 'paper proposal' form, applicants will be expected to provide a short statement of support from their supervisor (no more than 300 words). This should be sent by the supervisor directly to the same e-mail address. The deadline for the submission of the 'paper proposal' forms is Friday, 12 February 2010. The 'paper proposal' form can be downloaded from:
Completed submissions can be made by email only to: Successful applicants will be notified by 26 February 2010 and will be requested to submit their full paper by 4 June 2010.
Participants will be expected to pay for their own travel, accommodation and subsistence. It is possible that a limited number of travel grants will be made available to contributors who are both registered and normally based at universities in the region. However, participants applying from the region must not rely on this. Support, if available, will be limited. There will also be a registration fee of £15 for all participants, payable upon registration. General participants are welcome to attend.
For further information please contact:
Ivan Kovanovic
Administrator, LSEE-Research on South East Europe
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Arizona State - Critical Languages Institute
8-WEEK INTENSIVE PROGRAMS AT ASU (June 1 -- July 23) 8-credit intensive courses in:
- Albanian,
- Armenian,
- Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian,
- Modern Hebrew,
- Macedonian,
- Persian (Farsi/Tajik),
- Polish,
- Russian,
- Uzbek,
- Yiddish
- Tirana -- Albanian
- Yerevan -- Armenian
- Sarajevo -- Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- Ohrid -- Macedonian
- Kazan -- Russian
- Dushanbe -- Persian, Uzbek
SCHOLARSHIPS: Available for selected languages
DEADLINE: March 1, 2010 (rolling admissions thereafter)
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Ottoman Past in the Balkan Present: Music and Mediation
Through the ages, the Balkans has experienced various political, cultural and social phases. The peninsula has been conceptualised in a number of different, often competing and contrasted, ways (Byzantine, Ottoman, Balkan, the East, Eastern Europe) in academic and other discourses. However, in one way or another, the long period of Ottoman rule constitutes an integral aspect of all those perceptions.
In the aforementioned processes, music has often played a central role, either in a direct or an indirect way: music and its representations mediate national ideologies and various viewpoints, such as Orientalism, Balkanism and Occidentalism, which have a particular relationship with history in the
Balkans. Simultaneously, music is mediated through space and time, through various means of documentation and transmission (orality, visual arts, photographs, written text, scores and recordings).
Against this background and in the light of the current political expansion of the EU in the Balkan area, the exploration of issues related to cultural identity and relations to the Ottoman past gains more prominence and requires a critical, interdisciplinary dialogue. In particular, the changes that the EU expansion will bring about to the existing structures of Balkan societies, cultures and cultural policies from a musical point of view remain to be addressed.
This conference welcomes innovative interdisciplinary (e.g. ethnomusicology, history, anthropology, cultural studies) papers addressing the following topics:
- How are Orientalism, Balkanism and Occidentalism expressed and constituted through music and its representations in the Balkans
- Nationalism mediated through music and *vice versa*
- Music, propaganda and the media: radio, television, the press and the Internet
- Beyond music: analysing Balkan soundscapes as products of the past
Abstracts (max 300 words) of papers and poster presentations should be submitted by February 15, 2010 to the following email address:
The languages of the conference are English and Greek. Please specify possible AV needs. All abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be notified about the results by April 14, 2010.
*Keynote Speakers*
Prof. Derek B. Scott, University of Leeds
Title: *Imagining the Balkans, Imagining Europe*
Prof. Cem Behar, Bogazici University
Title: TBA
* *
*Conference Committee *
Dr. Martti Leiwo, *Director of the Finnish Institute at Athens *
Prof. Athanasios Markopoulos, *Head of the Department of Turkish and Modern
Asian Studies, University of Athens *
Prof. Vesa Kurkela, *Sibelius Academy & University of Tampere *
Dr. Risto Pekka Pennanen, *Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies*
Prof. Aimilia Themopoulou, *Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies*,
*University of Athens*
Dr. Panagiotis Poulos, *Department of Turkish and Modern Asian
Studies*, *University of Athens*
Dr. Aspasia Theodosiou, *Department of Popular and Traditional Music, TEI of
Epirus & Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester*
The Finnish Institute at Athens,
Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, University of Athens,
For further information, please visit the conference website:
Monday, November 23, 2009
More Research Funding
- Albania
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Kosovo
- Macedonia
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- Romania
- Serbia
- Slovenia
Friday, November 20, 2009
Title VIII-sponsored East European Language, Conference and Travel Grants
Deadlines are as follows:
Language Grants to Individuals for Summer Study—January 15, 2010
Language Grants to Institutions for Summer Courses—January 15, 2010
Heritage Speakers Research Grant—January 15, 2010
Conference Grants—January 29, 2010
Travel Grants—January 29, 2010
For further information please visit
Support is available for language study and research related to the following Southeast European Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo/a, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Southeast European Studies in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH)
Southeast European area studies were represented by specialized journals Ethnologia Balkanica. Journal of Southeast European Anthropology (B), Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (B), Zeitschrift für Balkanologie (B), Balkanistika (Bulgaria)(C) and Balkansko ezikoznanie (Linguistique Balkanique) (C). Other periodicals of interest for scholars working in Southeast European studies, included in ERIH, are Slavic and East European Journal (A), Anthropology of East Europe Review (B) and Slavonic and East European Review (B). The majority of publications dealing with parts of the Southeast European area were assigned category (C). The exception - mysteriously - are hellenic studies which usually got category (B) and exceptionally also (A), for instance Journal of Hellenic Studies (A) and Ta Istorika (A). Not all journals of interest to scholars in Southeast European studies are included in ERIH.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
First Bulgarian Online School "По жицата"
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Институт за съвременни дигитални архиви (ИСДА)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Southeast European Studies on Web of Science
Periodicals explicitly targetting the Southeast European area:
Periodicals targetting Eastern Europe of which the Southeast can be seen as a part
Periodicals specializing in parts of the Southeast European area
Many more important journals will have to be included into this database before we could deem its coverage satisfactory.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
REKLAKAZALA, a New Project of the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Southeast European Studies at the 2009 AAASS Convention
A number of panels and roundtables at the 41st National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), which will take place on November 12–15, 2009 at the Marriott Copley Place (Boston, MA), address issues of interest to Southeast Europeanists.
Thursday, November 12
12:00 P.M. -1:45 P.M.
- Panel 1-08 Nationalism, Security and the Past in Central Europe and the Balkans (Location: Dartmouth). Participants: Dragana Dulic (U of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro), Ivan Zverzhanovski, Ausra Park (Simmons College)
- Roundtable 1-22 Macedonian Language Contact - from Linguistic League to Diaspora (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon K) Participants: Victor Friedman (U of Chicago), Andrew Dombrowski (U of Chicago), Grace E. Fielder (U of Arizona), Christina Kramer (U of Toronto, Canada), Marjan Markovic (U Sts Cyril & Methodius, Macedonia), Elena Petroska (U of Sts Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia / Indiana U)
- Panel 1-26 Unconditioned Conditionality? Civil Society, the Legacy of War and EU Conditionality in the Western Balkans (Location: Massachusetts) Participants: Florian Bieber (U of Kent, UK), Marlene Spoerri (U of Amsterdam, Netherlands), Ivana Djuric (U of Nottingham, UK/CRCEES), Adam Fagan (U of London, UK), Gulnur Aybet (U of Kent, UK)
- Panel 1-27 Intellectuals, Church and State in Late 19th-Century Croatia (Location: MIT) Participants: Jure Kristo (Croatian Inst of History, Croatia), William B. Tomljanovich (United Nations), Nives Rumenjak (CREES, U of Pittsburgh), Ellen Elias-Bursac, Sarah Anne Kent (U of Wisconsin-Stevens Point), Tatiana Kuzmic (U of Texas at Austin)
- Panel 1-37 Consciousness and Civil Society in Bulgaria and Romania (Location: Tufts) Participants: Katherine M. Verdery (The Graduate Center, CUNY), Anna Miroslavova Mirkova (Sofia U, Bulgaria), Mihaela Serban (New York U), Nikolay Valkov (Université de Montréal, Canada), Evguenia N. Davidova (Portland State U)
- Roundtable 1-39 Forgotten Serbian Thinkers: Borisavljević, Vasić, Krakov and Milanković - Current Relevance (Location: Vineyard) Participants: Jelena Bogdanovic (East Carolina U), Visnja Ciric (U of Belgrade, Serbia), Dusan Danilovic (Temple U), Nikola Marinkovic (U of Belgrade, Serbia), Ljubomir Milanovic (Rutgers U), Nebojsa Petar Stankovic (Princeton U)
2:00 P.M. -3:45 P.M.
- Panel 2-12 Seminal Themes in Slovene History: The Slovene-Croatian Border in the 19th Century, Yugoslav and Slovene Politics in the 1930s, and the Issue of Lustration after Independence (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Robert G. Minnich (U of Bergen, Norway), Marko Zajc (Institute of Contemporary History, Slovenia), Jure Gasparic (Institute for Contemporary History, Slovenia), Peter Rozic (Georgetown U), Sarah Anne Kent (U of Wisconsin-Stevens Point), Gregor Kranjc (U of Toronto, Canada)
- Panel 2-16 Building and Destroying Communities in the Former Yugoslavia (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon E) Participants: Nancy Susanne Martin (U of Texas at Austin), Vasiliki Neofotistos (SUNY, Buffalo), Frances Trix (Indiana U), Emily Greble Balic (Remarque Institute, NYU)
- Panel 2-24 Subversive Biographies of the Croatian Renaissance (Location: Hyannis) Participants: Anita Peti-Stantić (U of Zagreb, Croatia), Marijan Despalatovic (Connecticut College), Aida Vidan (Harvard U), Gordan Matas (U of Split, Croatia), Ivo Soljan (Grand Valley State U)
- Panel 2-37 The Cultural Politics of the National (Re)awakenings in Southeastern Europe (Location: Tufts) Participants: Katrin Hristova Bozeva-Abazi (McGill U, Canada), Venetta Todorova Ivanova (U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Anca Mandru (Central European U, Hungary), James Frusetta (Hampden-Sydney College), Mari A. Firkatian (U of Hartford)
- Panel 2-38 Dynamics of the Turkish Foreign Policy in the Basin of Five Seas (Location: Vermont) Participants: Ozlem TUR (Middle East Technical U, METU), Itir Bagdadi (Izmir U of Economics, Turkey), Ozan Arslan (Izmir U of Economics, Turkey)
4:00 P.M. -5:45 P.M.
- Panel 3-12 Progress in Social, Legal and Governmental Reforms in Serbia (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Ljubica D Popovich (Vanderbilt U), Sofija Korac (Tufts U), Borko Komnenovic (Shirley and Banister Public Affairs), Obrad Kesic (TSM Global Consultants, LLC), David Binder (The New York Times)
- Panel 3-39 Ruptures and Continuities in Yugoslav Avant-Gardes and Post-Avant-Gardes (Location: Vineyard) Participants: Radmila Gorup (Columbia U), Richard Lee Pierre (U of Michigan), Marijeta Bozovic (Columbia U), Vladislav Beronja (U of Michigan), Aleksandar Boskovic (U of Michigan)
Friday, November 13
8:00 A.M. -9:45 A.M.
- Panel 4-12 Empires, Interrupted: Imperial Legacies and Contemporary National Identity Formation in the Balkans, South Caucasus and Crimea (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Artyom H. Tonoyan (Baylor U, J.M. Dawson institute of Church-State Studies), Maja Catic (Brandeis U), Filiz Tutku Aydin (U of Toronto, Canada), Christopher Marsh (Baylor U)
- Panel 4-26 Representations of Violence in Balkan Literature (Location: Massachusetts) Participants: Tatjana Aleksic (U of Michigan), Marina Antic (U of Wisconsin, Madison), Victor Friedman (U of Chicago), Ani Kokobobo (Columbia U), Damjana Mraovic-O’Hare (Pennsylvania State U), Dragana Obradovic (U College London, UK)
- Panel 4-36 Contemporary Bosnian Film (Location: Suffolk) Participants: Gregory Steven Carleton (Tufts U), Trevor Laurence Jockims (CUNY Graduate Center), Natasa Milas (Yale U), Cynthia F. Simmons (Boston College), Lucian Ghita (Yale U)
- Panel 4-38 Sponsored by Association for Croatian Studies Relations between the U.S. and Croatia, 1990-1996 (Location: Vermont) Participants: Joseph T. Bombelles, Peter Galbraith (Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation), Branko Salaj (Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia), Miroslav Tudjman (U of Zagreb, Croatia), Joseph McCarthy (Harvard U, Kennedy School)
- Panel 4-39 Bulgarian Militant Right-Wing Nationalism in Historical Perspective (Location: Vineyard) Participants: Robert Donnorummo (U of Pittsburgh), Benedict Edward DeDominicis (American U in Bulgaria), Didar Erdinc (American U in Bulgaria), Boris M Gurov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria), Markus Wien (American U in Bulgaria)
10:00 A.M. -11:45 A.M.
- Panel 5-05 Orthodoxy and Enlightenment in the Eighteenth Century (Location: Brandeis) Participants: Jane Burbank (New York U), Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter (California State Polytechnic U), Scott M. Kenworthy (Miami U), Gregory L. Freeze (Brandeis U), Stephen Kalmar Batalden (Arizona State U)
- Panel 5-16 Reading Architecture and City Life in Postwar Eastern Europe, Part III: Yugoslav Exceptionalism? (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon E) Participants: Sonia A. Hirt (Virginia Tech), Nande Korpnik (U of Maribor, Slovenia), Daniela Rankovic (U of Belgrade, Serbia), Veronica E. Aplenc (Rosemont College), Vladimir Kulic (Florida Atlantic U)
- Panel 5-12 Forging Socialist Yugoslavia among Diverse Communities, 1943–1948 (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Emil Kerenji (U of South Carolina), Daniel Perez (Stanford U), Emily Greble Balic (Remarque Institute, NYU), Jelena Batinic (Stanford U), Melissa Katherine Bokovoy (U of New Mexico)
- Panel 5-34 What’s the Score on Moldova? Conflict and Identity as the Republic Approaches Twenty Years (Location: Rhode Island) Participants: Matthew Ciscel (Central Connecticut State U), Luke March (U of Edinburgh, UK), Elizabeth A. Anderson (American U), Patricia Fogerty (Emory U), Paul Daniel Quinlan (Providence College)
1:00 P.M. -2:45 P.M.
- Panel 6-27 Representing Religious Lives (Location: MIT) Participants: Lavinia Stan (St. Francis Xavier U, Canada), Roland Clark (U of Pittsburgh), Joel C. Brady (U of Pittsburgh), Arpad von Klimo (U of Pittsburgh), Milica Bakic-Hayden (U of Pittsburgh)
- Panel 6-37 Music, Poetry and the State in Russia and Bulgaria (Location: Tufts) Participants: Stefka Hristova (UC Irvine), Grzegorz Danowski, Eran Livni (Indiana U), Margarita Safariants (Yale U)
3:00 P.M. -4:45 P.M.
- Panel 7-12 State-Building in Yugoslavia (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Biljana D. Obradovic (Xavier U of Louisiana), Ana Antic (Columbia U), Tanja Damljanovic Conley, James Frusetta (Hampden-Sydney College)
- Panel 7-29 Debating Identity in Bosnia-Herzegovina: A Cosmopolitan Melting Pot or a Balkan Powder-keg? (Location: New Hampshire) Participants: Edin Hajdarpasic (Loyola U Chicago), Robert M. Hayden (U of Pittsburgh), Fedja Buric (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Svetlana Broz (GARIWO), Maria Todorova (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Panel 7-38 Appropriating Adria: The Adriatic Sea as a Space of Conflict and Coexistence between the Italian and the South Slavic Worlds (Location: Vermont) Participants: Larry Wolff (New York U), Dominique K Reill (U of Miami), Borut Klabjan (U of Primorska, Slovenia), Igor Tchoukarine (EHESS, France), Pamela Lynn Ballinger (Bowdoin College)
5:00 P.M. -6:45 P.M.
- Panel 8-12 State and Institutions in Albania and Kosovo: New Perspectives (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Elidor Mehilli (Princeton U), Besnik Pula (U of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Elton Skendaj (Cornell U), Smoki Musaraj (The New School), James Pettifer (Defence Academy of the UK)
- Panel 8-24 Narrating South Slav Muslim Lives: Ivo Andric and Mesa Selimovic (Location: Hyannis) Participants: Olga L. Medvedkov (Wittenberg U), Thomas J. Butler, Keith Doubt (Wittenberg U), Amila Buturovic (York U), Robert J. Donia (U of Michigan)
- Roundtable 8-26 The EU in the Balkans: Recent Entrants, Hopeful Aspirants (Location: Massachusetts) Participants: Walter Downing Connor (Boston U), Evan Kraft (Natl Bank of Croatia, Croatia), John R. Lampe (U of Maryland), Ronald H. Linden (U of Pittsburgh)
- Panel 8-29 Documenting Conflict in Former Yugoslavia (Location: New Hampshire) Participants: Stephen Kalmar Batalden (Arizona State U), Filip Erdjelac (New York U), Brian Gratton (Arizona State U), Zilka Spahic-Siljak (U of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina), Robert M. Hayden (U of Pittsburgh)
Saturday, November 14
8:00 A.M. -9:45 A.M.
- Panel 9-29 National Epics, International Solidarity, and Interethnic Romance in the Modern History of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Location: New Hampshire) Participants: Kate Meehan Pedrotty (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Tatiana Kuzmic (U of Texas at Austin), James DC Walker (Ohio State U), Zdenko Mandusic (U of Chicago), Cynthia F. Simmons (Boston College)
- Roundtable 9-26 1989–1999–2009 The Renaissance of Europe? The Communist Collapse, the Helsinki Decision for the EU Enlargement, and the Western Balkans Today (Location: Massachusetts) Participants: Francine Friedman (Ball State U), Stefano Bianchini(U of Bologna, Italy), David B. Kanin (CIA), Julie Mostov (Drexel U), R. Craig Nation (US Army War College), Francesco Privitera (U of Bologna, Italy)
- Panel 9-27 Between the Sacred and Profane: Clericalism, Minorities, and the Quest for National Belonging in Greater Romania (Location: MIT) Participants: Marius Turda (Oxford Brookes U, UK), R. Chris Davis (U of Oxford, UK), Tudor Georgescu (Oxford Brookes U, UK), James Kapalo (U of London, UK), Vladimir Solonari (U of Central Florida)
- Panel 9-36 Serbian Music: Melodies and Rhythms, Past and Present (Location: Suffolk) Participants: Nada Petkovic (U of Chicago), Katarina Tomašević (Institute of Musicology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia), Dimitrije Golemović (Belgrade Academy of Music, Dept of Ethnomusicology, Serbia), Owen Kohl (U of Chicago), Jim Samson (U of Trondheim, Norway)
- Panel 9-40 Representing Romani (Gypsy) Lives: The Politics of Identity in Contemporary Eastern Europe (Location: Wellesley) Participants: Eran Livni (Indiana U), Krista Harper (U of Massachusetts, Amherst), Carol T. Silverman (U of Oregon), Margaret Hiebert Beissinger (Princeton U), Alaina Maria Lemon (U of Michigan)
10:00 A.M. -11:45 A.M.
- Panel 10-12 Building Borderlands: The Institutionalization of Frontier Territories in Modern Southeast and Central Europe (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Theodora Dragostinova (Ohio State U), Edin Hajdarpasic (Loyola U Chicago), Caitlin E. Murdock (California State U, Long Beach), Mark David Pittaway (The Open U, UK), Pieter M. Judson (Swarthmore College)
1:00 P.M. -2:45 P.M.
- Panel 11-12 The King’s Testament - The 80th Anniversary of the Royal Dictatorship of King Aleksandar I of Yugoslavia 1929– 2009 (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Michael Eoghan Allen (George Mason U), Mario Jareb (Croatian Inst of History, Croatia), Hrvoje Capo (Croatian Inst of History, Croatia), John Peter Kraljic (Garfunkel, Wild & Travis, PC), John Paul Newman (U College Dublin, Ireland)
- Roundtable 11-24 Media, Diasporas, and Identities: The Comparative Cases of Serbia and Croatia (Location: Hyannis) Participants: Hrvoje Hrengek (Croatian Television), Domagoj Bebic (U of Zagreb, Croatia), Nataša Čorbić (UNDP), Marijana Grbesa (U of Zagreb, Croatia), Zlatan Krajina (Goldsmiths U, UK), Anamarija Musa (U of Zagreb, Croatia)
- Panel 11-34 Banking Transition in East and Southeast Europe (Location: Rhode Island) Particiapants: Peter Vodopivec (Inst for Modern History, Slovenia), Stephan Barisitz (Oesterreichische Nationalbank), Hermine Vidovic (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies), Zarko Lazarevic (Inst for Contemporary History, Slovenia), John P. Bonin (Wesleyan U), John R. Lampe (U of Maryland)
3:00 P.M. – 4:45 P.M.
- Panel 12-12 The Life Histories of Slovene Socialist Directors and the Reality of Self-Management (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Timothy Pogacar (Bowling Green State U), Jurij Fikfak (ZRC SAZU, Slovenia), Jeffrey David Turk (ZRC SAZU, Slovenia), Tatiana Bajuk-Sencar (Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of the Arts, Slovenia), Robert G. Minnich (U of Bergen, Norway), Lydia Mihelic Pulsipher (U of Tennessee)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
8:00 A.M. -9:45 A.M.
- Panel 13-11 New Research in South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics (Location: Falmouth) Participants: Bojan Belic (U of Washington), Traci Lindsey (UC Berkeley), Anita Peti-Stantic (U of Zagreb), Aleksandra Petrovic (U of Washington), Ronelle Alexander (UC Berkeley)
- Panel 13-12 Sponsored by Society for Slovene Studies Revising and Reinterpreting Contemporary History in Slovenia, Serbia and Japan (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Carole Rogel (Ohio State U), Dubravka Stojanovic (U of Belgrade, Serbia), Nobuhiro Shiba (U of Tokyo, Japan), Peter Vodopivec (Inst for Modern History, Slovenia), John K. Cox (North Dakota State U), Nicholas John Miller (Boise State U)
- Panel 13-16 Yugoslavia on the Move: Traveling and Tourism in Pursuit of the Socialist Good Life (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon E) Participants: Tanja Damljanovic Conley, Brigitte Le Normand (Indiana U Southeast), Kate Meehan Pedrotty (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Patrick H. Patterson (UC San Diego), Gyorgy G. Peteri (Norwegian U of Science & Technology, Norway)
- Roundtable 13-17 Sponsored by Society for Romanian Studies 2008 Parliamentary Elections and 2009 Presidential Elections in Romania (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon F) Participants: Peter Gross (U of Tennessee – Knoxville), Grigore Pop-Eleches (Princeton U), Michael Shafir (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Czech Republic), Vladimir Tismaneanu (U of Maryland), F. Peter Wagner (U of Giessen, Germany)
- Roundtable 13-18 The Memoirs of Wayne Vucinich: Portrait of the Historian as a Young Man in Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, and Eastern Europe (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon G) Participants: Norman M. Naimark (Stanford U), Wendy Bracewell (U of London, UK), Holly Case (Cornell U), Thomas Allan Emmert (Gustavus Adolphus College), Tomislav Zoran Longinovic (U of Wisconsin-Madison), Larry Wolff (New York U)
10:00 A.M. -11:45 A.M.
- Panel 14-01 Socialist and Postsocialist Spaces of Identity in Contemporary Romania (Location: Arlington) Participants: Fedja Buric (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Diana Georgescu (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Alexandra Nacu (Sciences-Po, France), Oana Popescu-Sandu (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Gail Kligman(UCLA)
- Panel 14-12 Serbia in Transition: 2000–2010 (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Slobodan Pesic (American Public U), Snezana Grk (Institute of Social Sciences, Serbia), Svetlana Adamovich (School of Political Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia), Gordana Pesakovic (Argosy U), Boris Bulatovic (U of Novi Sad, Serbia)
- Panel 14-24 Anxiety of Shared Identity in Post-Yugoslav Fiction (Location: Hyannis) Participants: Robert Rakocevic (CEEM, INALCO – Paris, France), Aleksandar Boskovic (U of Michigan), Tatjana Aleksic (U of Michigan), Vladimir Zoric (U of Nottingham, UK)
- Panel 14-33 Russia and the Orthodox East in the Nineteenth-Century (Location: Regis) Participants: John Athanasios Mazis (Hamline U), Theophilus C. Prousis (U of North Florida), Lucien Frary (Rider U), Jack Fairey (National U of Singapore, Singapore), Gregory Lynn Bruess (U of Northern Iowa)
- Panel 14-38 Third World Solidarity in Yugoslavia and the USSR (Location: Vermont) Participants: Susan E. Costanzo (Western Washington U), Michael Rouland (Miami U), Julie Hessler (U of Oregon), James MacEwan Robertson (New York U), Jennifer Ann Amos (U of Chicago), Maxim Matusevich (Seton Hall U)
12:00 P.M. -1:45 P.M.
- Panel 15-04 Word and Image in the Arts of Serbia (Location: Boston University) Participants: Ruzica Popovitch-Krekic (Mt St Mary’s College), Ljubica D Popovich (Vanderbilt U), Lilien Filipovitch Robinson (George Washington U), Jelena Milojkovic-Djuric (Texas A&M U), Ida Sinkevic (Lafayette College)
- Roundtable 15-12 Sponsored by Society for Albanian Studies The 2009 Albanian Parliamentary Elections: An Analysis (Location: Grand Ballroom Salon A) Participants: Nicholas C. Pano (Western Illinois U), Robert C. Austin (U of Toronto, Canada), Elez Biberaj (Voice of America), Bernd J. Fischer (Indiana U, Fort Wayne Ines), A. Murzaku (Seton Hall U), Gregory James Pano (Salem State College)
- Panel 15-24 Exile in Twentieth-Century Serbian and Croatian Literature (Location: Hyannis) Participants: Irena Lazic (Southern Connecticut State U), Vladimir Zoric (U of Nottingham, UK), Robert Rakocevic (CEEM, INALCO – Paris, France), Dragana Obradovic (U College London, UK), Radmila Gorup (Columbia U)
- Panel 15-38 Sponsored by North American Society for Serbian Studies Serbia Beyond 2009: Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Choices (Location: Vermont) Participants: Slobodan Pesic (American Public U), Dragana Filipovic (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia), Sergei Romanenko (Russian Academy of Sciences), David B. Kanin (CIA), Angela V. Ilic (Temple U), Julian Schuster (Hamline U)
- Panel 15-33 Persistence of the Old Regime? Imperial Russia in the Ottoman East, 1830–1917 (Location: Regis) Participants: Ilya Vinkovetsky (Simon Fraser U, Canada), Natasha Renee Margulis (U of Pittsburgh at Greensburg), Denis Vladimirovich Vovchenko (Northeastern State U), Halit Dundar Akarca (Princeton U), Victor Taki
Click here for the preliminary program.
Monday, October 12, 2009
In memoriam Norbert Reiter (1928-2009)

Program Description
This program is intended for scholars who recently obtained their Ph.D. in archaeology or bioarchaeology to conduct postdoctoral research in residence at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, IL. The program strongly encourages proposals from researchers interested in employing and developing innovative analytical techniques that will advance the scientific study of the human past. The fellowship supplies salary, benefits, and a small research stipend for one academic year (9 months). During the duration of the fellowship the Fellow will have the opportunity to implement and carry out their own postdoctoral research, which should result in major publications. In conjunction with their independent research, the Fellow also is expected to assist with the establishment and implementation of a formal procedure for funding international collaborative archaeological and bioarchaeological research and archaeological site and museum preservationand conservation programs through ABF. The ideal candidate will be a Bulgarian native who has obtained their Ph.D.within the last ten years and who plans to continue their academic research in Bulgaria. Non-Bulgarian scholars whose research centers on the Balkan region also are welcome to apply. Especially welcome are proposals that seek to take advantage of the various resources and facilities available at The Field Museum and elsewhere in the Chicago land area.The fellowship provides a salary of $40,000 per academic year plus benefits, as well as an additional $2,000 for research expenses.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must demonstrate that they will have completed all requirements for the Ph.D., including the filing of the dissertation, prior to the beginning of the tenure of the fellowship. Advanced proficiency in English must also be demonstrated.
Additional Information at
Program Description
The program promotes international collaboration between scholars from Bulgaria, the US, and other nations, especially the Balkans. The intent of ICAB is to fund archaeological and bioarchaeological research, including field work, museum and/or laboratory research. The program strongly encourages proposals from researchers interested in employing and developing innovative analytical techniques that will advance the scientific study of the human past. The program requires that Bulgarian and American researchers serve as co-Primary Investigators (PIs) on the grant. The American PI must apply through an accredited US institution to which the award will be granted.That institution will be responsible for financial oversight of the grant. Requests for funding must be in US Dollars and should not under normal circumstances exceed $50,000 for one year. Requests for funding smaller projects are especially welcome. ICAB does not provide funds to support the following:
-Tuition for students obtaining degrees;
-Travel or maintenance for children or spouses of researchers;
-Research expenses incurred before the date of a grant;
-General activities of other institutions or entities including "overheadexpenses" or "indirect costs."
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility requirements at the time of application: The Bulgarian applicant must have a masters or doctoral degree and English proficiency. He or she must hold a position in a Bulgarian research institute, museum or university.The American applicant must have a Ph.D. from an accredited university and hold a position in an accredited US institution, or be an advanced doctoral student in an accredited university. American doctoral students are required to apply as senior personnel with their dissertation advisor and a Bulgarian counterpart as the Primary Investigators. Applications should be made through an institution to which the grant can be awarded, and which will assume financial oversight of the award.
Additional Information at
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Minority languages in Greece
9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics 29 - 31 October 2009 Chicago, Illinois, USA
ICGL 2009 will feature papers on a wide variety of topics relevant to Greek linguistics, broadly construed, thus covering a range of subfields within Linguistics, including applied linguistics, computational linguistics, conversational analysis, corpus linguistics, dialectology, discourse analysis, historical linguistics, language description, morphology, neurolinguistics, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics, and syntax, among others, and focusing on any period in the history of the language.
Many papers present interest for Balkan linguists. To view the program and paper abstracts click here.
Teaching Greek as a Second Language
Friday, October 9, 2009
Journées Balkaniques / Balkan Days
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Southeast European studies underrepresented in Scopus
Here is what one of its users, Russ Schmehl (Tulane University, USA), says about it: "Scopus has three main benefits that make it excellent: 1. Literature/author searching is faster and easier. 2. Refinement: You can refine a search by selecting particular authors, years, journals or sub disciplines quickly and easily. 3. Search and report: You can set up Scopus to search for and send citations to you as new published works appear...covering an enormous number of publications."
Representation in databases like Scopus is getting more and more important for academics. My search of its list of periodicals (nearly 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers) discovered none of the publications that deal with our area as a whole. The closest to that among the journals actually listed in Scopus come Osteuropa, Slavonic and East European Review, South European Society and Politics and Studies in East European Thought. The only subfield which is relatively well represented is "Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies" featuring the journals Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies and Journal of Modern Greek Studies.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Multi-Country Research Fellowship Program, 2009 - 2010
Deadline: Friday, January 15, 2010
For more details and application, please see
CAORC Affiliated American Overseas Research Centers in the Balkans:
American Research Center in Sofia
American Research Institute in Turkey
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
CAORC fellowships for multi-country research are funded by a grant from the Bureauof Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Balkans in an European Context: New Challenges for Multilingualism in Europe
Conference venue: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Call Deadline: 31-Oct-2009
Organizing Institution: Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia
Organized jointly by Languages in a Network of European Excellence (LINEE) and the integrated project DYLAN of the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development. With an increased awareness of international globalisation and European integration, the existing mainstream conceptualizations of multilingualism and linguistic diversity have been increasingly questioned, in particular within the humanities and the social sciences. In a EU context of socio-political transition it is therefore a challenge to take stock of the existing disciplinary knowledge, and to reassess it against the background of the ongoing integration process which goes along with the transformation of traditional linguistic and cultural patterns. Read more at
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Available at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages, University of Oslo. About the Department
The successful applicant is expected to investigate a problem within the research area of language-based area studies in Russia, the Balkans, or Central Europe. The project description must include a discussion of the choice of method (e.g. discourse analysis). Research projects based on material in Slavic languages are given preference.
Applicants must hold either a Norwegian doctoral degree or an equivalent degree in an academic area that is relevant to the proposed project.
The post-doctoral research fellowship is for a period of 4 years, with a 25% duty component devoted to teaching and acquiring basic pedagogical competency.
Applicants must submit a project proposal of a maximum of 10 pages, including a schedule of activities. It is expected that the project will be completed within the 4-year period. Doctoral dissertation must be submitted for evaluation by the closing date.
The main purpose of post-doctoral research fellowships is to qualify researchers for work in senior academic positions within their disciplines. We are looking for strongly motivated and competent candidates, with high academic qualifications in the relevant area of research.
The successful applicant will be expected to become involved with existing research groups at the Faculty of Humanities and to contribute to the further development of the scholarly community.
Short-listed applicants will be called in to an interview at the University of Oslo. They may also be asked to give a lecture for graduate students on a topic chosen by the evaluation committee.
Guidelines for appointments to post-doctoral research fellowships at the University of Oslo may be obtained at
The University of Oslo has a goal of recruiting more women in academic positions. Women are encouraged to apply. The University of Oslo also has a goal of recruiting more foreigners to Norway in academic positions. Immigrants are encouraged to apply.
The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o.
For further information, contact:
Administrative Head of Department Jan-Børge Tjäder +47
2285 68 94,
Research Director Antin Rydning, +47 22 85 68 32,
Government wage scale: 57-62 (NOK 438 700 to NOK 481 000)
Closing date for applications: October 8, 2009 2009/12673
Applicants should submit four copies of:
- Project proposal (max. 10 pages)
- A list of published and unpublished works
- Curriculum vitae (with full information about education, former positions, pedagogical and administrative experience), including one set of certified copies of certificates
- Names and contact information of two references
- Three paper copies or one electronic version of the doctoral dissertation together with three scientific articles (published or submitted for publication) that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee
Please mark applications with 2009/12673 and send via email to or ( The Faculty of Humanities, P.O.Box 1079 Blindern, 03l6 Oslo, Norway)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Image of Russia in the Balkans
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies "Artes Liberales"
University of Warsaw
Chair of Komisja Bałkanistyki Historycznej i Kulturoznawczej przy MKS
The interdisciplinary Commission of Balkan Historical and Cultural Studies is affiliated with the International Committee of Slavists (ICS). Its international membership consists of an anthropologist, an historian of ideas, an historian of literature, linguists and an historian of culture. Our first research project is The Image of Russia in the Balkans. Semantics. Ideologems. Mythologems. Historical and Cultural Contacts and Connections.
The outcomes of our research will be published in a series of edited volumes. The first volume entitled The Semantics of Russia in the Balkans will be published in 2010 by the Warsaw University Press. It contains contributions in Polish and English by researchers from Poland (Jolanta Sujecka, Kazimierz Jurczak, Maciej Falski, Adam Kola), Greece (Aleksandra Ioannidou), Bulgaria (Nikolay Aretov), Macedonia (Valentina Mironska-Hristova), Albania (Rigels Halili) and Russia/Czech Republic (Marija Kuglerova). The second volume - The Image of Russia in the Balkans - will feature contributions by researchers from Albania, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Serbia and is scheduled to appear in English in 2013. In preparation of the second volume the Commission of Balkan Historical and Cultural Studies is planning a work session.
The Birch - Anniversary 1989 Issue
The Birch, the first and only North American undergraduate journal for Eastern European and Eurasian studies, is calling for submissions for its Fall 2009 issue.
Undergraduates may submit any of the following:
- Creative writing
- Literary criticism
- Cultural and political essays
- Original photography and illustrations
This will be a special 1989 anniversary issue, so we encourage writers to submit exceptional pieces related to 1989. Non-1989 content is also welcome. Please encourage all undergraduates to submit pieces by the deadline, October 14, 2009. E-mail all submissions to the Editor in Chief, Rebekah Kim, at <>.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Russia through the Eyes of East Europeans: The Birth and Death of Stereotypes
This interdisciplinary conference, organized by the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences (Russia), the Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture (Russia) and Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski in Olsztyn (Poland), will take place in St. Petersburg on 25-26 August 2010. Working languages of the conference are Russian and English.
If you wish to participate, send by 25 September 2009 the following information: first and last name, affiliation, position, degree, phone number, email address, country of residence, mailing address with postal code and title of the proposed paper to Contact person: Шайдуров Владимир Николаевич, phone (7-812) 230-38-08.
The Revolutions of 1989
Panel 3 (1 October 2009, 4:30-6:30 pm) contains presentations on Southeastern Europe by Vesna Pešić, a Serbian politician, one of the leaders of the opposition movement in Serbia (on Yugoslavia), Ulf Brunnbauer, a historian from the University of Regensburg (on Bulgaria) and Anneli Ute Gabanyi, a political scientist from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin (on Romania).
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ethnic Identity and Language Shift in the Belgrade Sephardic Community
Institute for Balkan Studies, Belgrade
Ivana Vučina Simović, Jelena Filipović. Etnički identitet i zamena jezika u sefardskoj zajednici u Beogradu. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike, 2009, 251 pp. ISBN 978-86-17-16234-2
This new theory-driven sociolinguistic monography by Ivana Vučina Simović (University of Kragujevac) and Jelena Filipović (University of Belgrade) studies language shift in the Belgrade Sephardic community on the basis of language data from seven consecutive generations. The Belgrade Sephardic community was exterminated in 1941 when Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany.
Chapter titles:
Jezik i društvo: sociolingvistika, istorijska (socio)lingvistika i sociologija jezika
Sefardski Jevreji i njihov jezik
Istorijski sociolingvistički uslovi koji utiču na zamenu jezika
Stavovi govornika jevrejsko-španskog jezika u procesu održavanja/zamene jezika
Brzina zamene jezika u sefardskoj zajednici u Beogradu
Zamena jezika u kontekstu kritičke analize jezika
Appendix: Sefardski Jevreji u Beogradu u 19. i 20. veku (archival documents, excerpts of the corpus compiled from answers to the questionnaire Moja porodica administered in 1979–1980, transcribed excerpts from prayer books and personal letters in Judeo-Spanish)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Slavic Language Classes Cut Due to Budget
"Paint Your Life Pink!"
For more details see here.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Southeast European Travel Writing
Contributors: Maria Kostaridou, Alex Drace-Francis, Vladimir Gvozden, Dean Duda, Ludmilla Kostova and Wendy Bracewell
"... shifts attention to the voices and agency of travellers from the Balkans and the ways in which they have experienced and described the sometimes strange and exotic West... Most fascinating the multi-faceted trajectories of expectations, perceptions and imageries which reverse the standard hegemonic gaze from West to East." (Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers)
For more details see Google Books and Berghahn Books
Tenth International Congress of AIESEE (Paris, 23-27 September 2009)
Participate speakers from 19 countries:
- Albania (Myzafer Korkuti, Nertila Ljarja, Arta Seiti)
- Bosnia (Tomislav Išek)
- Bulgaria (Snejana Dimitrova, Alexandre Kostov, Maria Kotzabassi, Snezhanka Rakova-Marinkyova, Elena Tacheva, Vasilka Tăpkova-Zaimova, Galia Valtchinova)
- Croatia (Ljiljana Dobrovšak, Monica Genesin, Borislav Grgin, Castilia Manea-Grgin, Rebeka Mesarić Žabčič, Ivana Žebec)
- France (Hélène Antoniadis-Bibicou, Lisa Bénou, Bosko Bojovic, Guy Burgel, Hervé Georgelin, Jean-François Gossiaux, Olivier Picard, Cristina Rognoni, Maria Zoubouli)
- Cyprus (Areti Démosthénous)
- Germany (Vladimir Iliescu, Klaus Roth)
- Greece (Sia Anagnostopoulou, Théodoros Batrakoulis, Alexandros Dagkas, Vassia Karkayanni-Karabelia, Georges Kokkonis, Georgia Kourtessi-Philippakis, Papakosta Leftokhea, Amaryllis Logotheti, Ivi Mavromoustakou, Charis Meletiadis, Ileana Moroni, Kyrillos Nikolaou, Vassiliki Papoulia, Ioannis Skourtis, Théodore Spyros, Yiorgos Stathakis, Émilie Themopoulou, Nikos Vafeas)
- Italy (Francesco Altimari, Elisabetta Borromeo, Antonio d'Alessandri, Francesco Guida, Tatjana Krizman-Malev, Elton Prifti, Stevka Šmitran)
- Japan (Yoshihiro Endo, Shinichi Ishida, Ryoji Momose, Daisuke Nagashima, Ayako Oku, Nabuhiro Shiba)
- Macedonia (Vera Bitrakova-Grozdanova, Eleni Bužarovska, Taki Fiti, Ubavka Gajdova, Veselinka Labrovska, Marjan Marković, Vitomir Mitevski, Vlado Kambovski, Luan Starova, Jovan Takovski, Liljana Todorova, Zuzanna Topolinska)
- Montenegro (Radoslav Raspopovic)
- Poland (Irena Sawicka, Jolanta Sujecka)
- Romania (Carmen Cocea-Crişan, Alexandru Madgearu, Zamfira Mihail, Nicolae Răzvan Mitu, Valeriu Râpeanu, Răzvan Theodorescu)
- Russia (Grigory Arsh, Olga Belova, Andrey Edemskiy, Fatima Eloeva, Alexandra Evdokimova, Natalia Evseenko, Valentina Fedchenko, Natalia Golant, V. Y. Grossul, Lusine Gushchyan, Elena Guskova, Petr Iskenderov, Alvina Jougra, Maxim Kisilier, Ksenija Klimova, Elena Koudryavtseva, Alexei Lidov, Maksim Makartsev, Marina Martynova, Maria Morozova, Konstantin Nikiforov, Alexander Novik, Irina Oretskaia, Vladimir Petrukhin, Anna Plotnikova, Elena G. Rabinovitch, Alexander Rusakov, Elena Sartori, Irina Sedakova, Svetlana Sidneva, Oksana Tchoekha, Artem Ulunyan, Elena Uzeneva, Svetlana Zalgraykina, Natalya Zlydneva)
- Serbia (Cedomir Antić, Dušan T. Bataković, Vladimir P. Petrovic, Vojislav Pavlovic, Isak Shema)
- Switzerland (Stella Ghervas)
- Turkey (Melek Delilbaşi, Melek Firat, Hatice Oruc, Bariş Ünlü, Nuri Yesilyurt)
- USA (Victor Friedman)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Nation Building
Laura Ceia-Minjares. Balkan Exotic: The Francophone Birth and Rebirth of a Nation According to Panait Istrati and Marius Daniel Popesco. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 13/2, 2009, 191-199.
Ognyan Kovachev. A Romance of the Balkans: Literary Mystification and the Bulgarian Nation-imagining. Slavia, 78/1-2, 2009, 23-32.
To appear
Xenakis, Sappho (2009) Resisting submission? The obstinacy of "Balkan" characteristics in Greece as dissidence against "The West". In: Cheliotis, Leonidas, (ed.) The banality of good: roots, rites and sites of resistance. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.
Friday, September 4, 2009
17th Balkan & South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore Conference
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 23, 2009
The 17th Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore Conference will take place at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA, April 15-18, 2010. The conference will feature the Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture in South Slavic Linguistics on Friday April 16. This year's Naylor Lecturer will be Eric P. Hamp, Professor Emeritus from the University of Chicago. The conference will also be held concurrently with the Midwest Slavic Conference.
The conference organizers are now accepting proposals for papers that treat some aspect of Balkan and/or South Slavic linguistics, folklore, film studies, literature or culture. Abstracts should be maximum one page, including examples and bibliography if needed (12-point font, at least 1" margins). Abstracts should be anonymous.Abstracts should be submitted, in PDF format, by email to Andrea Sims. The paper title, author name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information should be given in the body of the email.
More information is available at
Questions about the conference may be directed to Brian Joseph ( or Andrea Sims (
Thursday, September 3, 2009
.yu is being phased out
So, we have now:
Bosnia and Herzegovina -> .ba
Croatia -> .hr
Montenegro -> .me
Macedonia -> .mk
Serbia -> .rs
Slovenia -> .si
Moldova -> .md
.yu (as well .su of Soviet Union) are being phased out.
ICANN has not assigned yet a domain to Kosova...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Africans in the South East European Collective Memory
Institute for Balkan Studies, Belgrade
Interpretations: European Research Project for Poetics and Hermeneutics. Volume III: Црна Арапина како фигура на меморија (Black Arab as a Figure of Memory). 2009.
An interdiciplinary UNESCO-sponsored project of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Kata Kulavkova. More about the project, the previous and upcoming volumes can be learned at
For a table of contents and English-language abstracts of the contributions click here. The project was noticed in the media. See for instance Politika Online.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Institute of Linguistics "Iorgu Iordan - Alexandru Rosetti" is 60 years old!

A New Dissertation in South Slavic Linguistics
Institution: University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Program: Department of Linguistics
Degree Date: 2009
Available at
For an abstract see Linguist List.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Southeast European Studies in Bulgaria
Posted on behalf of Vasilka Aleksova, Chair
Department of General, Indo-European and Balkan Linguistics
Sofia University “St. Climent Oxridski”
At the time of writing there are in Bulgaria five universities at which one can get a degree in Southeast European Studies:
Sofia University “St. Climent Oxridski”
- A combined BA & MA degree in Balkan languages and cultures is offered since 1994 by the Faculty of Slavic Philologies. The program takes 10 semesters to accomplish and includes the in-depth study of the South Slavic languages, Greek, Romanian and Albanian as well as linguistics, literature and history of the Balkans. The program has an elective course in Balkan Romani dialects which is open not only to majors in Balkan languages and cultures. For a detailed program with numbers of contact hours per course click here. The Faculty of Slavic Philologies also has BA, MA and PhD programs in Bulgarian Philology and a BA program in Serbian and Croatian Philology with a concentration in Slovene. Other universities across the country also offer Slavic Studies in various combinations of the studied Slavic languages with a special attention to Bulgarian studies.
- Since 2006 the Faculty of History offers a BA in the past and present of Southeastern Europe. It is an eight-semester program with a focus on history and political science. Students must choose two out of the following three languages: Romanian, Modern Greek and Turkish. For a description of the program click here. The Faculty of History also has several MA programs with various Southeast European foci, for instance Christianity and Islam in the Balkans, Ethnicity and International Relations in Southeastern Europe (taught in English), Power, Authority and Culture in Southeastern Europe and The Southeast of Europe. The MA programs have durations from two to five semesters.
- The Faculty of Classical and New Philologies offers BA programs in Modern Greek Philology, Romanian Philology and Turkology, MA programs in Mediterranean and Balkan Anthropological Studies: Italy - Bulgaria and Ottoman Studies and BA, MA and PhD programs in Classical Philology.
Veliko Turnovo University “St.St. Cyril and Methodius”
- The Veliko Turnovo University has its own Educational and Cultural Centre “Balkans” which interacts with Southeast European academic units and provides resources to researchers and students in the area of Southeast European Studies. The Faculty of Philology has a BA program in Balkan studies in which students can choose between a concentration in the languages and cultures or the history of the Southeast European nations. This oldest university program in Southeast European studies in Bulgaria initially had a focus on history and was hosted by the Faculty of History. The Veliko Turnovo University also has MA programs in Southeast European studies.
Plovdiv University “Paisij Xilendarski”
- The five-year combined BA & MA in Balkan languages and cultures of the Faculty of Philology offers courses in Modern Greek, Serbian, Albanian and Romanian languages and literatures. The focus is on Modern Greek.
Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”
- In 2008 the Faculty of Philology of the Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski” started admitting students to their new combined ten-semester BA & MA program which includes language courses with emphasis on Greek and electives Serbian, Romanian and Albanian, courses in Balkan literatures and folklore as well as political, social, economic and cultural history of the Southeast European nations.
PhD programs with a specialization in Southeast European studies are offered by the Faculty of Slavic Philologies of the Sofia University, by the Institute of Bulgarian language and the Institute of Balkan Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The latter are also the research centres of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences specializing in Southeast European Studies. They publish the journals Balkansko ezikoznanie / Linguistique balkanique and Études balkaniques. Occasional dissertations with topics in the area of Southeast European Studies have been defended in other institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of sciences (such as the Institute of History, the Institute of Folklore Studies and the Ethnographic Institute and Museum).
Monday, August 24, 2009
To the Attention of Those of Us Who Teach Language
The Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL, is soliciting articles for publication. As the official journal of the Council, the journal serves the professional interests of teachers, researchers, and
administrators of less commonly taught languages in all settings and all levels of instruction. The Journal is refereed and published once a year.
Our general editorial focus is on policy, education, programs, advocacy, and research in the field of less commonly taught languages (all foreign languages except English, French, German, and Spanish). The envisaged segmentation of the Journal is as follows:
a. Methodology and Technology,
b. Academia,
c. Beyond Academia,
d. Social Embeddedness
The first section shall include papers focusing on broader theoretical and technological issues in all fields of less commonly taught languages. The second section will encompass reports about research and teaching in academia, at both K-12 and collegiate levels. The third section shall
comprise papers addressing research and teaching in government and industry. Finally, the fourth section will address the issues of a broader social environment, ranging from heritage communities to advancing LCTLs in federal initiatives and legislation.
In preparing the manuscript, please use the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), see Manuscripts should be a maximum of 25 pages (excluding references, charts, notes, etc.) and preferably submitted electronically via email attachment. Double-space the manuscript throughout, including notes, references, and tables, using 12-point font with a 1.5 inch left margin. The manuscript should be accompanied by a 150 word (or less) abstract and a cover sheet containing the manuscript title, name, address, office and home telephone numbers, fax number, email address, and full names and institutions of each author. Because the manuscript will be blind reviewed, identifying information should be on the cover sheet only, and not appear in the manuscript.
While submissions are welcome at any point, only papers received by October 31, 2009 will be guaranteed consideration for the 2010 issue of the Journal.
4231 Humanities Building
455 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53706
Tel: 608-265-7903; FAX 608 265 7904.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
"Eat sweetly and speak sweetly"
Production of Turkish delight (lokum).
Food Research International; Jan2009, Vol. 42 Issue 1, 1-7
Abstract and further information available at ScienceDirect
“Gypsy Music” and Deejays: Orientalism, Balkanism, and Romani Musicians
Ioana Szeman is a Senior Lecturer in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies at Roehampton University, London. She is currently completing a book project based on fieldwork carried out over a 10-year period called Stages of Erasure: Performing Romani Culture and Gypsiness in and out of Post-Communist Romania.
In the current wave of successful “Gypsy music” in the West, Romani bands Taraf de Haïdouks and Fanfare Ciocărlia present themselves as “authentic” Gypsy musicians. In Germany, Shantel's latest album proclaims a Gypsy theme, but without Romani musicians. With or without Romanis, “Gypsy” means “exotic” in these musical exports.
Source: MIT Press Journals
Divine Intervention in South-East Europe: A Longue Durée Perspective
The special thematic issue Ethnographies of “Divine Interventions” in Europe of History and Anthropology (Volume 20, Issue 3, 2009) contains a subsection dealing with the southeast of Europe:
Katerina Seraidari "Objects of Cult, Objects of Confrontation: Divine Interventions through Greek History" (289-307)
Bernard Lory "The Vizier's Dream: 'Seeing St. Dimitar' in Ottoman Bitola" (309-316)
Vihra Baeva & Galia Valtchinova "A Women's Religious Organization in Southern Bulgaria: From Miracle Stories to History" (317-338)
Margarita Karamihova & Galia Valtchinova "Talking War, 'Seeing" Peace: Approaching the PIlgrimage of Krastova Gora (Bulgaria)" (339-362)See informaworld for abstracts and further details.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Crossing Borders
Radu, Cosmin. Border tricksters and the predatory state: Contraband at the Romania-Serbia border during the Yugoslavian embargoes. Focaal, 2009, Number 54, 49-63.
Abstract: This article analyzes actions of the Romanian state officials and the Romania-Serbia border region people during the embargoes imposed on Yugoslavia in the 1990s. It shows that the embargo-related contraband trade with its diverse layers and actors is an excellent window for studying state formations. Getting involved in both big contraband and the criminalization of smugglers, different state factions developed specific logics of privatization, transnationalization, and interstitial relations. These developments were connected to both the fantasies of accumulation in the context of embargo and Romanian European Union accession. The article also suggests how to understand continuities between the embargorelated and present state formations. Looking at the interplays among border posts, state officials, and the EU, it shows that the border posts are increasingly dislocated from the state and that they seem to become interstitial parts of a post-state field of power.
Genetics about the history of the Bayash
Source of the abstract:
The Bayash are a branch of Romanian speaking Roma living dispersedly in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. To better understand the molecular architecture and origin of the Croatian Bayash paternal gene pool, 151 Bayash Y chromosomes were analyzed for 16 SNPs and 17 STRs and compared with European Romani and non-Romani majority populations from Europe, Turkey, and South Asia. Two main layers of Bayash paternal gene pool were identified: ancestral (Indian) and recent (European). The reduced diversity and expansion signals of H1a patrilineages imply descent from closely related paternal ancestors who could have settled in the Indian subcontinent, possibly as early as between the eighth and tenth centuries AD. The recent layer of the Bayash paternal pool is dominated by a specific subset of E1b1b1a lineages that are not found in the Balkan majority populations. At least two private mutational events occurred in the Bayash during their migrations from the southern Balkans toward Romania. Additional admixture, evident in the low frequencies of typical European haplogroups, J2, R1a, I1, R1b1b2, G, and I2a, took place primarily during the early Bayash settlement in the Balkans and the Romani bondage in Romania. Our results indicate two phenomena in the Bayash and analyzed Roma: a significant preservation of ancestral H1a haplotypes as a result of considerable, but variable level of endogamy and isolation and differential distribution of less frequent, but typical European lineages due to different patterns of the early demographic history in Europe marked by differential admixture and genetic drift.