Saturday, March 19, 2011

Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 5.2 (EMCL-5.2) — Chicago

The Center for the Study of Languages (CSL)
together with
The Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies (CEERES),
at the University of Chicago


Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 5.2 (EMCL-5.2) — Chicago
The Integration of Corpus and Experimental Methods

Monday-Saturday, June 13-18, 2011, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois USA


October 14-16, 2011
American University (Washington, DC, USA)

The Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLA) announces the Call for Papers for the 2011 annual conference. The conference will be held on the campus of American University (Washington, DC, USA) on Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 16, 2011. Keynote speakers:

Gilles Fauconnier, UC San Diego
Jacques Moeschler, Université de Genève
Naomi Baron, American University

Abstracts are invited for presentations addressing issues of significance for cognitive linguistics with some bearing on data from the Slavic languages. As long as there is a cognitive orientation, papers may be on synchronic or diachronic topics in any of the traditional areas of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse analysis, or sociolinguistics. In addition to the Slavic Languages, relevant papers on other languages of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union are also acceptable.

Abstracts may be submitted up until the deadline of April 8, 2011 to Abstracts should be approximately 500 words, but strict word limits are not required. Notification of acceptance will be provided by May 31, 2011. The abstract should be submitted as a word or pdf file as an attachment to an email message with “SCLC abstract submission” in the subject headline. Abstracts should be anonymous, but the author’s name, affiliation and contact information should be included in the email message.

Most presentations at SCLC are given in English, but may be in the native (Slavic) language of the presenter. However, if the presentation is not to be made in English we ask that you provide an abstract in English in addition to an abstract in any other SCLA language.
Each presentation will be given 20 minutes and will be followed by a 10-minute discussion period.

Information on transportation, accommodations, and the conference venue will be forthcoming. Please see the organization and conference websites for further information:

If you have questions, contact Alina Israeli (aisrael@AMERICAN.EDU>) or Tore Nesset (

Friday, March 11, 2011

SRS Book Prize

The Society for Romanian Studies invites nominations for the *First Biennial SRS Book Prize* awarded for the best book published in English in any field of Romanian studies (including Moldova) in the humanities or social sciences. To be eligible, books must be in English and published between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2010 as indicated by the copyright date. Edited books, translations and non-scholarly books are not eligible.

The prize will be presented at the ASEEES National Convention in 2011 and carries with it an award of $500. Nominations will be due to the SRS prize committee by 1 June 2011 .

Books should be sent directly to each committee member. Please address all questions or inquiries to the chair of the committee.

*Book Prize Committee Members:*

Margaret Beissinger (Chair)
Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
249 East Pyne
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

F. Peter Wagner
Department of Political Science
301 White Hall
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
800 West Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190, USA

Lavinia Stan
Department of Political Science
St. Francis Xavier University
Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5, Canada

Balkan Spectrum: From Light to Colour

Conference organized by the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

22-24 March 2011
Moscow, Institute of Slavic Studies, 32A Leninskii Prospekt, Room 901

Tuesday, 22 March

Morning Session 11:00
Chair: I. A. Sedakova

B. Joseph (Ohio State University). Sound symbolism and light in the Balkans
V. Friedman (University of Chicago). Balkanisms of Color: Black, and White and Red All Over
П. Асенова (София), У. Дукова (Frankfurt am Main). Homo balcanicus в мрак и на светлина
Е.Црвенковска (Скопjе). Светлината во църковнословенската химнографиja на Балканот.

Afternoon Session 14:00
Chair: T. M. Nikolaeva

Н.Н. Казанский (Санкт-Петербург). Светозарность цвета в Древней Греции и в Риме
Л.И. Акимова (Москва). Раннегреческий хроматизм в его отношении к пространству – времени.
А.А. Новохатько (Freiburg). Тьма и мрак в древней аттической комедии.
Т.Ф. Теперик (Москва). Pallentia ora (комментарий к X, 822, Verg. Aen.) или к вопросу о семантике цвета в "Энеиде" Вергилия.

Evening Session 16:30
Chair: N. V. Zlydneva

Л. Попович (Белград). Блеск как прототип цвета в языковой картине мира славян (на примере анализа цветообозначений в сербском, русском и украинском фольклоре)
M.Mencej (Ljubljana). Witches in the shape of lights and fires
Л.Н. Виноградова (Москва). Светоносные ночные духи в мифологии западных и южных славян.

Wednesday, 23 March

Morning Session 11:00
Chair: В.Фридман

R. Alexander (University of California at Berkeley). Bulgarian Dialects and the Balkan Model of the World.
E. Adamou (Paris). A temporal set of uses of the deictic suffixes in a Pomak variety of Thrace, Greece.
Е. Бужаровска (Скопье). Полисемия сака в балканском контексте.
А.Ю. Русаков (Санкт-Петербург). Некоторые изоглоссы на диалектной карте Албании: контактное влияние или внутреннее развитие?
А.Н. Соболев (Санкт-Петербург). Балканская лингвокультурная антропогеография и принцип множественности.

Afternoon Session 14:30
Chair: T. V. Tsiv'jan

Ф.А. Елоева (Санкт-Петербург). Цветная память Кавафиса.
И.А. Седакова (Москва). Свет и цвет в романе Петре М.Андреевского «Пырей».
М.М. Макарцев (Москва). Цвет и свет в балканославянских и албанских балладах «Приход мертвого брата».
[Сообщение] Д.С. Ермолин (Санкт-Петербург). Цвет на границе миров: семантика цвета в похоронной обрядности албанцев Приазовья.

Evening Session 17:00
Chair: L. Radenkovic

Н.В. Злыднева (Москва). Архаическая триада черное-белое-красное в балканской модели мира.
Л.Раденкович (Белград). Красный цвет в погребальной обрядности и народной демонологии славян.
Z. Šmitek (Ljubljana). Symbolism and classification of colours in the Slovenian folk culture

Thirsday, 24 March

Morning Session 11:00
Chair: С.М.Толстая

А.А. Новик (Санкт-Петербург). Краситель — краска — цвет — свет в одежде и традиции албанцев.
Н.Г. Голант (Санкт-Петербург). Цветовая символика в румынских традиционных оберегах.
А.А. Плотникова (Москва). Цветовой спектр при определении судьбы ребенка у южных славян: «рубашечка» новорожденного.
[Сообщение] А.П..Якимова (Москва). Цвет одежды как маркер жизненного пути болгарина.

Afternoon Session 14:00
Chair: P. Asenova

А.Б. Ипполитова (Москва). Цвет в слове и цвет в изображении: соотношение спектров в тексте и миниатюрах Лицевого травника конца XVIII в.
В.Г. Колосова (Санкт-Петербург). «Огненные» травы в славянской народной ботанике.
О.В. Белова (Москва). Цветовой код народной культуры в словаре «Славянские древности».
[Сообщение] А.Е. Тунин (Москва). Цветовой код в новогреческих загадках.
Т.В. Цивьян (Москва). Балканский свет и цвет в мозаиках Газанфера Байрама.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Čapo Žmegač, Jasna; Voß, Christian; Roth, Klaus (eds.): Co-Ethnic
Migrations Compared. Central and Eastern European Contexts.
München - Berlin, Verlag Otto Sagner, 2010. ISBN 978-3-86688-126-6.
Geb., 293 S., 32,00 Euro

This book deals with the displacement of the populations that have so
far been studied mainly under the headings of "(co-)ethnic migration"
and "ethnically privileged migration". As the main adjective found in
these syntagmata indicates, these are migrations in which ethnicity
figures as a prominent factor, both at the point of origin and at the
point of the migrants' destination. These migrations have been
engendered by the reconfiguration of the political landscape after
major European 20th-century wars and/or the more or less peaceful
demise of the communist regime in Europe at the end of the last
century. The recent most prominent examples of both of these processes
are the former Soviet Union and the former Socialist Federative
Republic of Yugoslavia. Methodologically and epistemologically, this
volume is an exercise in the comparative treatment of co-ethnic
migrations, in particular with regard to the question as to what
happened to these co-ethnic groups after their resettlement in their
putative ethnic homeland.