Thursday, September 5, 2024


SEESA HARRISON TRAVEL GRANTS To support graduate student scholarship and international participation in the field of Southeast European Studies, the Southeast European Studies Association (SEESA) offers the SEESA Harrison Travel Grants to subsidize travel costs for the presentation of papers at international, national, regional, or state conferences. In 2025, the grants will be awarded to graduate and undergraduate students for presentation of work on topics related to Southeast European Studies at conferences in any field – including, but not limited to, history, linguistics, literature, anthropology, the arts, social and political science, and folklore. SEESA plans to fund, on a competitive basis, at least 2 awards of $700 each. Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students in Southeast European Studies or a related field. Students may receive only one SEESA Harrison Travel Grant over the course of their studies. Applicants should submit an abstract of the paper of no fewer than 500 words, proof that the abstract has been accepted, a C.V., a short bibliography of their paper, and proof of student status as an email attachment to Bavjola Shatro []. Author name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information should be provided below the title of the paper. Applicants who cannot submit proof of acceptance of their abstracts before the deadline, should contact Bavjola Shatro [] to make the necessary adjustments. The applications will be evaluated by SEESA’s Committee for Harrison Travel Grants. The quality of writing of the abstract as well as its content will be considered. Questions about the grants may be directed to Dr. Bavjola Shatro. Application Submission Deadline: January 10, 2025 Acceptance Notification Date: January 20, 2025

Monday, July 1, 2024

Call for Papers

EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East - Central Europe November 28-30, 2024, University of Crete, Campus of Gallos, Rethymnο We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the upcoming conference "Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans and East - Central Europe." The conference aims to explore feminist movements in the region of Balkans and East - Central Europe in the uneasy interwar historical context, placing emphasis on transnational contacts and collaborations of feminist and women’s organizations, the entanglement of their activity with politics and diplomacy at regional and international scale, and the tensions emerged between national and international agendas. The First World War was followed by an increased and intensive political movement aiming to eliminate likelihood of new wars and consolidate peace on a global scale. This movement is reflected in the foundation of international peace and diplomacy organizations, with the League of Nations prevailing among them, the signing of a series of treaties between states securing the new border status quo, minority treaties and amity and cooperation agreements, as well as in elaborated visions of forming “state federations” across Europe. In this context, the Balkan states with a long history of competing nationalisms, wars, and rallying to rival war camps, gradually shifted towards pursuing political rapprochement and mitigating national-political differences, while the new Central European states that had arisen from the dissolution of the central empires and the redrawing of national borders sought alliances to enhance security against presumptive revisionist attempts by neighboring countries. At the same time, the unsolved national-transnational political issues and the new ones created by the post-war treaties, most notably that of ethnic minorities, the rivalries of the victorious Great Powers in the region, the gradual dominance of totalitarian and bellicose politics and the risk of a new great war that began to loom on the horizon, prioritized national security and acted as centrifugal forces from ‘the transnational and international’ to ‘the national’, while the revisionist and anti- revisionist camps and politics began to form distinct. In this context, feminist movement, reconstituted and increased in density and massiveness, found a fertile ground for linking its activity to international politics and diplomacy. International women's organizations (feminist, professional, peace organizations), national affiliated organizations, as well as regional associations emerged at the time, recognizing that progress towards full political and social rights and security for women depends on a peaceful and stabilized world, declared it “their duty” to work for friendly international relations and humanitarian progress worldwide, and to support national and international agents working towards these ends. Thus, conferences, meetings, commissions, resolutions, memoranda, public events, and publications emerged dense in the service of these objectives. It is this intensive and dense women's movement that this conference seeks to explore and discuss. Topics may include (but are not limited to): 1. Feminism, national politics, and international diplomacy 2. Feminism, internationalism and nationalism: a changing relationship 3. National and regional feminists associations’ agendas: exploring the entanglements 4. Feminist and women’s collaborations in the region: associations and individuals 5. Liberal and socialist feminism’s agendas 6. Women's activism and peace - feminist pacifism 7. Feminist politics: social, economic, political rights 8. Women’s political activity: reception and impact 9. Researching feminism and politics: methodological issues - approaches and concepts The conference will take place on-site, at University of Crete, Campus of Gallos, Rethymno. We welcome individual submissions from senior and junior scholars and academics, as well as doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers for 20-minute presentations. We also welcome full panel submissions consisting of 3 to 4 presentations (20 minutes each). Abstracts of 250 words should be on the form, provided by the Conference, downloadable from fepib- and sent by email to, by June 30, 2024 July 31, 2024. The language of the Conference is English. Important dates: Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2024 New abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2024 Notification of acceptance: July 31, 2024 Notification of acceptance updated: August 15, 2024 Draft conference program: August 31, 2024 Final conference program: October 15, 2024 Conference Dates: November 28-30, 2024 We are looking forward to receiving your submission and welcome you at the Conference. Conference webpage: For further inquiries please contact: * The conference is part of “Feminisms and Politics in Interwar Balkans (1923-1939)”, a collaborative project hosted by the University of Crete (UoC) and chaired by Katerina Dalakoura, Associate Professor at the UoC (http://feminisms- The project is supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI),

Friday, May 24, 2024

Call For Nominations: SAS

2024 Arshi Pipa Best Graduate Student Paper Award Committee Graduate students are invited to participate in the Arshi Pipa Best Graduate Student Paper Award Competition sponsored by the Society for Albanian Studies (SAS). Albanian Studies is broadly defined to include original work that furthers our understanding of Albanian societies across geo-political borders, time periods, and disciplinary confines. The Arshi Pipa Best Graduate Student Paper Award shall recognize significant and important original research made by a Graduate Student Member that advances both the field of Albanian Studies, regardless of academic discipline, and the student’s prospects for ongoing future contributions to Albanian Studies. Nominations for the Best Graduate Student Paper Award must be made to the SAS Graduate Essay Prize Committee. Please email a copy of the paper to the award committee by 15 August 2024. Eligibility: 1. The author of the paper must be a Graduate Student Member of the SAS at the time of nomination. 2. The paper must have been written and completed no more than two years before the paper’s nomination, and it must be in English. Published articles and unpublished papers are considered eligible. 3. Graduate student papers that have been co-authored with professors are not eligible. 4. Papers from any academic discipline in the social sciences and humanities are accepted, insofar as they make a contribution to Albanian Studies, broadly defined. Nomination Process: 1. The deadline for nominations is 15 August 2024. 2. To complete the nomination, e-mail a copy of the nominated paper (in MS Word or PDF format) to the committee. 3. Nominations can be made by any member in good standing; self-nominations are welcome 4. The Award Committee will make the selection and notify the recipient of the award by 25 September 2024. Prize: 1. The Award will be formally presented at the SAS Annual Board meeting in November, 2024 2. The Graduate Student Paper Award shall be accompanied by a 200 USD monetary reward. 3. The awardee shall receive a Certificate from SAS, along with recognition on the SAS website. 4. Any questions about the prize or the nomination process can be addressed to the Award Committee. The Stavro Skëndi Book Prize, 2024 The Stavro Skëndi Book Prize for Achievement in Albanian Studies is presented every year to a book that makes an outstanding contribution to and advances research in Albanian Studies. Albanian Studies is a broadly-defined research area of original, scholarly work that enhance and expand knowledge of Albanian societies across geo-political borders, time periods, and disciplinary confines. The Prize committee will consider single-case studies, original research, comparative research, and any theoretical and empirical contributions pertinent to the area of Albanian Studies. Nominated books must be in English. They must have been published within three years prior to the year of the award. Books may be nominated by the author or other scholars. To nominate a book please email Eralda L. Lameborshi, Chair of Albanian Book Prize Committee at indicating the name of the author and the title of the book nominated. Note that author nominees must be members of the SAS at the time of the book’s nomination. Please include the following documents: One-paragraph summary of the book Name of the publisher Date and place of publication A short bio of the author PDF version of the book. Alternatively, you may send print copies of the book to all committee members at the addresses indicated below. The nomination and supporting documents should be sent before the deadline of July 31, 2024. The committee will make the selection and notify the recipient of the award by October 11, 2024. The Award will be formally presented at the SAS Annual Board meeting in November, 2024.

Friday, April 5, 2024

ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE D'ETUDES DU SUD-EST EUROPEEN AIESBE National Committee of the Republic of North Macedonia XIII congress of South-East European studies Skopje, 4.3.2024 Dear Colleagues, As you were previously informed, the xIIIth AIESEE congress titled ,.communication and Exchange: South-Eastern Europe within Gtobat Social, Political and Cultural processes,, was planned fot 2024. However, due to objective reasons, the Congress had to be reschedu led for 2025 . We would like to inform you that the XIIIth AIESEE Congress of South-East European Studies on the topic: "Communication and Exchange: South-Eastern Europe within Global Social, Political and Cultural Processes" will be held in Skopje, from 15 to 19 September 2025, in the premises ofthe Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The official working languages ofthe l3th AIESEE Congress are English and French. Members and associates of the national AIESEE committees are kindly invited to participate in the congress. In addition, other researchers interested in the proposed topic, and young researchers and PhD students are also invited. Please, send the titles and abstracts of your contributions to the following address by I November 2024.please indicate the session of the congress in which you wish to participate. The organizers will notiS,'you whether your proposal has been accepted not later than 31 December 2024. All previous applications that were received in reference to the initially planned Congress in 2A24 will be taken into consideration and all the applicants will be informed about their acceptance no later than 3l December 2024. will find the 20 sessions of the congress and some additional information about the congress registration. Sincerely, Acad. Dragi Gjorgiev President XIIfh Congress of South-East European Studies Communication and Exchange: South-Eastern Europe within Global Social, Political and Cultural processes Skopje, 15-19 September 2025 Sessions L Cultural exchange from the antiquity and middle ages up to modern times 2. Transport communications through the history 3. Economic relations and trade exchange 4. Science and knowledge exchange in the South-Eastern Europe 5. Role of emigrants in establishing social, political and cultural links 6. Intelligentsia and academic elite inlfrom south-Eastern Europe 7. Literary and translation production in the transfer of knowledge and ideas 8. Linguistic interferences in/with South-Eastern Europe 9' Exchange of ideas between national movements in the South-Eastem Europe and beyond 10. Identity in South-Eastern Europe in historical retrospective I 1 . concepts of violence in the social, political and cultural processes 12. Ways and methods of knowledge distribution 13. Interactions and contradictions between science and religions 14. scientific exchange and institutional building in south-Eastern Europe 15. Communication and exchange through visualisation: archives, museums, photography, cinematography, print in South-Eastern Europe 16. Historiography and memory in the social and cultural processes of South-Eastem Europe 17. Knowledge transfer through traveling: the role of voyagers, ambassadors and missionaries in global communication 18. Role of women in the cultural and academic processes in South-Eastern Europe 19. Diaspora communities inlfrom South-Eastern Europe 20. Religious networks - historical discourse Registrationfee The amount of the registration fee is 80 EUR. PhD students providing supporting documents have a special fee rate of 40 EUR. The registration fee is to be settled by I May 2025. The registration fees payment details, as well as other information related to the congress will be available on the congress website : http : //m a gress/. For additional information you can contact Mr. Goce Aleksoski from the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, on email:

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

SEESA Harrison Travel Grants Awardees 2024

SEESA is happy to announce the names of the awardees of the SEESA Harrsion Travel Grants for 2024. They are: - Lindon Dedvukaj, The Ohio State University. - Oriane Girard, Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology & the French School of Athens 22 rue Vacon, 13001 Marseille, France. - Marija Pandeva, Boban Karapejovski “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, “Krste Misirkov” Institute for Macedonian Language. These students will present in the 23rd Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore that will be hosted by the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS in May 2-4, 2024. Congratulations to the awardees!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Questionnaire from Bulgarian Studies Association

Scholars in the field of South East European Studies are invited to complete this questonaire and email it to and Cc Slaveya Nedelcheva at Уважаеми ……, Моля попълнете настоящата анкета за двустранната българо-американска конференция 15 и 16 юни 2024 г. като отбележите Вашата афилиация и научна степен, областта на Вашите изследвания и темата, с която бихте участвали: 1. Работя в ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Моите научни интереси са в областта на ………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Мога да участвам със следната тема за двустранната българо-американска конференция ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Перспективите за общи проекти и съвместни научни разработки с американски колега са в областта на ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Смятам, че двустранната конференция можа да се проведе под следната обобщаваща тема ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Отправям следните пожелания към организаторите………………………………………………………….

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Call for Papers


23rd Biennial Conference on 

Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore 


The 23rd biennial conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore will be hosted by the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi, May 2-4, 2024 (Thursday-Saturday). The conference will be sponsored by the South East European Studies Association (SEESA), the Department of Modern Languages and the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi. 


The deadline for the submission of abstracts is November 20, 2023.  


Papers should treat some aspect of Balkan and/or South Slavic linguistics, literature, folklore or culture. Abstracts should be submitted electronically to Donald Dyer at [] and be no more than one page in length, with a second optional page for data, graphics, bibliography and the like. A 12-point font and 1” margins should be used. The abstracts do not need to be anonymized. Notification of selection, as well as invitation letters, if needed, will be sent by December 11.  


Students, both undergraduate and graduate, are encouraged to apply for a SEESA Harrison Travel Grant to support their participation at the conference. More information on these grants is available at []. 


Conference presenters are encouraged to submit their papers in manuscript form for consideration of publication to Balkanistica []. the refereed interdisciplinary journal of Balkan studies, which is supported by SEESA. There is a possibility that a special volume of the journal will be dedicated to papers from the conference. 


Questions about the conference may be directed to the conference organizer, Donald Dyer, at [].