Thursday, October 24, 2019

Call for Applications: Open Research Laboratory at Illinois

REEEC is now accepting applications from regional specialists (including advanced graduate students, faculty, independent scholars, and library science or other professionals with appropriate qualifications) to conduct short-term research concerning all aspects of Russian, eastern European, and Eurasian studies in conjunction with the spring Open Research Laboratory, which will take place from January 21 – May 1, 2020. Those applicants who are US citizens and whose research holds relevance for US foreign policy may also apply for US Department of State Title VIII fellowships to support their visits.

The application deadline is December 1, 2019.

  • Full access to the physical and electronic collections of the University of Illinois Library
  • Use of the Library’s technological resources, including advanced scanning equipment and other resources
  • Consultations with the Slavic Reference Service.
  • Opportunities to participate in REEEC programming (lectures, workshops, conferences, etc.)
  • The help of REEEC staff in answering logistical questions related to your stay
  • Informal meetings with local scholars as desired
FINANCIAL AID: US DEPARTMENT OF STATE TITLE VIII FELLOWSHIPSApplicants who are U.S. citizens and who are conducting policy-relevant research may apply for a Title VIII fellowship to support their visits. These fellowships provide:
  • A housing award furnishing accommodation on campus for up to 5 days
  • A travel award of up to $500 to offset transportation costs to and from Urbana-Champaign
  • A stipend of $500 to cover food, incidentals, and other costs associated with the research visit.
For more information and to apply, please click here.

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